Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Rudra= anger; Tandav= the celestial dance.

rudra or roudram is actually an intense form of anger. People express anger in different ways, expressing anger in the form of dance is the rudratandav of lord shiva.

Dakshayini the daughter of Daksha married shiva against her father's will. To teach both of them a lesson, Daksha organizes the magnum opus Daksha yagnyam by inviting the whole world sans this couple. When Dakshayini, a form of parvathi/ sati realizes this, she goes to her father questioning as to why he had done this injustice to her. she goes dancing in immense anger of being humiliated by her own parents. When she reaches there, she is again humiliated for arriving at a place where she was not invited. She is shown the door. Unable to bear the insult, she jumps into the fire.

Shiva knew this conspiracy of his father-in-law. But he could not further convince her. When he saw Dakshayini jumping into the fire, he arrives dancing in fierce rage of anger, kills Daksha and dances by the corpse of his beloved.

This was the theme I selected to dance in my college. It worked out amazingly well. I could not cover the whole of the continued story, in that short time; i could not show what happens to dakshayini.
Mahavishnu, chops her body into pieces and throws them in different places in India(ver.1.0) (which is practically impossible for me to undergo this on stage)
ver.2.0: shiva dances in extreme rage that he carries her and dances, where parts of her body fall in different parts of India.
Ver.3.0: (which I could actually imply in my nritya nataka) dakshayini a.k.a sati is a formless version of the goddess herself. So she rises and re unites with shiva.

Although, i could also fit in the story of neelakant- another episode in the Lord's life in the given time before the rudratandav. I presented this as a tribute to the Lord dancing two episodes of his life. From then on, i am known as Parvathi in my college.



SaiKrishnan said...

Wow that was short and sweet :-) ..!!
and i liked the piece of history also coz that will help ppl to understand better !

tropical iceberg said...

thanks :)

எல் கே said...

wowo amzu u did not tell me tat.. also i did not receive the blog update info why so ??
any video clips of the same please share

tropical iceberg said...

thats the saddest part ji. i could not get even one video of the show. infact, it took me three months to get a few pictures of it. one of it is in my orkut album- the one that coame in the newspaper