Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year Thoughts

2010! It’s the very first month, and the first new thinking of the year. I have been thinking of quite a few abstracts that I could define now. For most of these things take their definitions only by the way one perceives it. And the one looks at it, depends on how much they feel it means to them in their life. Here we go 10 abstracts that I define for the year.

1 Trust: the dirtiest abstract that u can lend on to someone. For trust, is the basic thing that you need to tell someone for them to cheat/ betray you.
2 Hope: not very enthusiastic about this. I have lost hopes in many things, but some parts of it still dwell in me. Thanks to Shaw shank Redemption, after I saw that movie, the way that line was delivered, well, may be I might try hoping for things. At least to get away from things if not get what I want. Let’s see how this works its way out.
3 Desire/ Ambition: desire is not meant to be thought over anytime after thinking of it the first time. Ambition is never to be forgotten from the first moment.
4 Love: a victorious feeling when the external wins over the narcissist. (Hasn’t happened yet.) and it will happen when you least expect it.
5 Sorrow: part of life. Learn from it or forget it. Don’t bother or let it bother you. It does its work of hurting you, once done, forget it, kick it hard and go on.
6 Decisions: make your own decisions for opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Ultimately you are the one who is going to live with any decision made on some opinion. You don't just have a free will to make your decisions, but you also have a responsibility on yourself while making them
7 Dreams: a perfect time sucker. But yes, worth wasting time on it. It is at least better than wasting time on online social networking sites or pests. On a serious note, I believe that I have all the right to dream and should have the sense of not expecting everything to come true the way I want it.
8 Future: reminds me of what my preceptor taught me “we have forgotten out past, we are unaware of the future, lets live the present the way its is meant to be.” Besides some precise and short time planning, don't brood on it and waste your present.
9 Pleasure: pleasure is when I don't feel the anguish of sorrow, or get disturbed by anything that is not true. This is perhaps the New Year’s resolution.
10 Success: I read a line sometime before “It’s not a miracle to walk on a flowing stream of water or thin air, but walking well on the solid earth the way you have to is the real miracle” walking on the solid earth, balanced and poised, being independent without relying on anyone for anything is what I consider success to me.


Nandhini said...

I love this post. hugs!! You've talked about a set of virtues that one must face up in pride (or even if you don't want to!) while living his/her life. It's incredible, that we're expected to win in each of these principles individually and how much we face these, from one day to another! :) You've summed up the 10 things everyone must think about, while starting upon a new year. :) Good job!

Unknown said...


woken up finally?

loved the opinions are like assholes bit!
