Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Kite Runner

This is surely inspired by the book of Khaled Hosseini vaguely. But i wanted to write on this on seeing the way things have changed over the years.

When we were kids, Sankranti  was an event where all cousins would meet up. Seeing each other and flying kites were the only things which made us anticipate it for a whole year. Cracker session for diwali was a formality but not something that we used to do together every year. The food would have "sakra pongal" which the entire crowd of my generation unanimously detest and we d sit having lunch hoping we had something else to eat. Dinner would generally be good. But everyone would be so engrossed with flying kites all day and night.

The entire family loved flying kites. The elders had their head to lead the flying kites, we had one too. Me and another cousin, being the youngest of the lot were generally kite runners. I dont remember launching a kite and let it rise high, but i always loved cheering the elders and shouting out "AFFFAAA".

Its been a few years since we flew kites or even met. Everyone is engrossed in their own work. Work makes people boring themselves, and they even forget things that give them pleasure.

Last year when we met, everyone were talking about those nostalgic moments when we d enjoy flying kites, making manja,  criticizing the menu for the lunch, but enjoying the dinner, and having great fun by organizing some games instantaneously. And that time, we were just talking about it and not doing anything. Everyone went back saying " i have work tomorrrow", i went back saying " i have college tomorrow". Nobody made an attempt to stay back. If there were atleast one person who wanted to live that moment again, we could have. But no one did even though we were offered an extra ransom pay if we flew kites. I mean how depressing we become on growing up, that we dont want to enjoy ourselves even if we are paid for it. Morose isnt it?
So.. neither the ones of my generation, nor the elders went anywhere near the stairs to venture to even see any kites. It was further annoying that the number of kites in the sky were lesser than there were when i was a kid. 

So.. This year, i decided to fly kites with friends. I learnt that all my friends were enthusiastic about flying kites.  Since i wanted to have a promotion from kite running to actual flying, i thought i d learn from them, and surprisingly none of them know to fly kites either!
Heres a copy paste of what one of my friend wrote on his facebook. :
#17mm aerodynamically designed maxi kites-check!
#70 gitty Old city glass coated razor sharp extra tensile fiber paakeza manja-check!
#Corosion free steel Charka with an almost infinite moment of inertia-check!
#Super energetic kids to hold the charka, cheer & scream so loud tht it grabs all the attenntion of the chics & their frens in ...the nxt building-check!
Now somebody teach me who to fly tht fckin kite:P

But honestly, if those days come back, or new beautiful days come, i d love to be the kite runner if not fly them.

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