I was talking to my friend a while ago and was telling him that i was writing a letter. i did not communicate online with any of my OI friends because my computer was down with virus. i am currently writing a letter to another OI friend hoping that she'd be as jobless to read the 25 pages yet to complete letter. (i am presently THAT VETTI AND JOBLESS!!!)
since the net and the computer have betrayed me in giving me some solace during the painful times, i resorted to writing out a letter. i was telling sridhar that i am on a retrogressive evolution.
he had a point t debate, that evolution is progressive by definition and it can't be retrogressive. after TJing the thing very soon, and completing the telephonic conversation after a long time, i started to think how i can defend myself and debate to is point. but he was right, when i began to think, i edited the title as "RETROSPECTIVE EVOLUTION"
when it comes to the evolution of species' till date, i am a neo Darmarckian. (Darwin& Lamarck) its a combination of both their laws that made the evolution. by the way to people in a notion that "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" was given by darwin, you are wrong because it was herbert spencer who stated it.(i know u are thanking me for this piece of information. and u are welcome

the habit of writing letters etc, are all signals of retrospective evolution, which will be elucidated in the coming blogs.
but According to law of priority, this law belongs to me, and people whod follow me even after my death would be called the "NEO RITHAISTS"
Current track: dragonoste din tae
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