Last month, I had about 6 GB left to download or surf. I had used less than 6 GB for the past 10 months. The only best way to use them all up was by downloading movies. I downloaded about 4 movies from torrentz. When the download was going on, my system got affected with virus. There were about 2800 viruses.
I was online in orkut that time I asked a friend about an antivirus, he gave me Avira. So it came down to 2700. But next day morning, the ISP had suspended our usage since all the 6GB were used up!
All this happened when I was terribly ill and was at home for two full months. This happened in august. Full of august and September I had no computer and no internet. Once I gained a bit of strength, I started opening my chatterbox in the form of a letter to one of my OI friend.

All this was done in a silly hope and expectation that she’ll be as jobless to read a letter of 30 damn pages. I spoke to a few friends on the phone. All together it costed me around 200 rupees in my phone.
Then I took the address of another OI Ian to write a letter. I posted the letters one fine day. The next day we got a message from our ISP to immediately renew our package to avoid total disconnection. (why would he be patient for a person not renewing the package just because there are viruses?
) We then finished our absoulutelyimportant jobs to be done, and got to this work around 4 in the afternoon. The technician came home around 6 in the evening. It took him two hours to do the job. Once he was done, he checked the internet. He checked the usage, and to my shock, there was 1 GB of usage left! It was for one month and it ends on 29th of September, which is TODAY!!!!!!!
What would I do with 1 GB in that less time??? I had no more pix of my relatives staying in different parts of the world to download. No movie songs, nothing! And…. I was ready to get back to my routine of going to college. I was to go today. But the silly director of our college had kicked his bucket, thus giving all the people a holiday. I am going to college from tomorrow. But what would I do in these few hours and with so many MB’s in hand? I couldn’t even waste I by reading junk mails and forwards. All that I did was reading my mails, my mother’s mails, and sat in orkut. How long can I sit orkutting when I’ve got to get up early to go to college?

TODAY. All colleges in Hyderabad-Secunderabad are closed because Owaisi kicks his bucket!!!!
current track:Allegro from clarinet quintet
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