After a really long time, shiva started a thread in FC on chocolates. There was a girl who posted depressively on the topic. I went up to her and asked her why talking about chocolates depressed her at that moment. It was nothing serious but for the fact that chocolates were not available at reach. We had this discussion by sending a few scraps back and forth, and hence added each other as friends. Then we ransacked each other’s profile and found all things between us to be common. Interesting isn’t it?
The next day in college was pretty boring, so boring that I dint want to do anything interesting. I resorted to the all time useless thing of being online. That’s when I even signed into gtalk. And she just signed in. wanting to see her face clearly in the dp, I pinged her asking her about her day. I was actually not at all in the mood to talk. She gave me an essay as a reply… that woke me up from my slumbered position in my seat. I then started talking with all enthusiasm.
From that day onwards, I’ve been a proud recipient of her essays. She has tapped the talkative habit in me, and I have become successfully talkative again. Thanks Nandhini. Now, I talk sense and nonsense happily with her. I've also started writing letters to her whenever the computer or internet caused problem to us. The last letter I wrote was 30 pages long. Yes she is the girl I mentioned in my previous blogs.
theres one more thing.. after a really long time, i went back to my thread which was sunk pages behind to see the girl whom i missed to add. lo! it was nandhini. thats when we realised that we had actually bumped into each other but were hesitant to become pals.

For the ones who cant access my testimonial written for her, here it is:
nandhini to me:
amritha aka amzu!
where do i start? first of all, she's a real chamathu ponnu. she's a mix of being conservative n thinking like a teen-of-today. she's got a bit of both worlds, I'd say! :D
here's one person who can talk for hours together without batting an eyelid with me! :D almost every single time, either of us have to leave cos of one thing or the other thus leaving our conversation incomplete. :P amzu is so full of life n zest. i can go talking about the smallest n least significant of things with her. she's a patient listener, who'll sort out things for me n help out. :) trust me, she'll make a loyal friend once you've got her trust!
one thing about her is that she takes her life very positively. And her take on life is full of optimism. she's really straight forward n there's no need to be uncomfortable talking about ANY damn thing with her. she's really dedicated with whatever she does n that's one thing i admire in her.
be the same for a long time to come amzu. you're amazing! :)
it's time i wrote LOTS about this chutti ponnu for the world to know. :D
well, to start off with, we got acquainted thru FC! i think it's one of the most urupdiyaana kariyams that FC has ever done. :P hehe.
Now, about her: do you know that she has such a BIIIGGGG mouth that hardly closes? :D she yaps on the phone. she yaps away on IM. and now, she's found herself another outlet in the form of a blog. way to go, amz! :)
one of my proudest accomplishments(till date) is that I've changed her to the extent of sending me long scraps, letters and IMs.

it's very hard to put in words the amount of closeness we share and probably i shudda bumped into her a lot earlier than this. anyway, it's better late than never.
She's rekindled the letter writing habit in me and I'm quite glad she did.
we both love the rains. though i prefer enjoying it indoors. :P I've always been comfortable talking about anything and everything with amzu! :) infact, I'm sure she wont raise an eyebrow if i talked about the most part 2:
insignificant thing on the face of this earth. :D actually, she might get interested and join me if i ever bring up that kinda topic. hehe. that's how we are. unreasonably insane, and very proud about that.

ahh! how can i forget? she LOVES chocolates and cold coffee. and did i tell you? she is an ace cook. one look at chef amritha's preparations makes me feel hungry and my mouth water! :) keep up the good job, amz! i really wish I'd dropped into her place when i was in secunderabad during sem hols. :( i spent one whole day in the secbd. station waiting for the connecting train to chennai, when i could've easily gone n spent time with her. wwaaa! too bad. i thought you were in hyderabad di!
anyway, I'll definitely be there someday. :)
She has a wiiiide taste as far as it's music. evidence: her letters. :D and you must see all the adorable smileys that add life to everything she mentions! :)
she's someone who's deeply involved in everything around her. she's pretty popular in college, thanks part 3:
to all the extra currics she does. she's focussed with her goals & her determination is something extraordinary. amzu is the kind of person who sees a lesson in every failure and success in life. she's outright open to her friends and I've never needed to be artificial even for a moment with her.
she is forever bubbling with enthu and her love for life will never cease. i can say this confidently cos i know! :)
hey sweetie, it's been real pleasure knowing you. i hope you get the best of everything in life. I'm always there no matter what!
hoping we're friends for a long, LONG time to come! :)
love and hugs,
Ps: i still haven't fogiven you for that 30 pgs essay. :D your punishment is that you'll get an even bigger essay in return asap.

testimonials i wrote to nandhini:
BUMP to the testimonial column of nandynandhini.

well, this is a an attempt to make a difference in this column by actually wrting what has to be here

where do i start? well, its indeed a real pleasure to have a friend who can talk talk and talk, and make u talk talk talk, and not let u get bored. god iv e never spoken this much to anyone online! theres always lots left untold and unheared at the end of every chat; and this will always be so even if we both would be talking for say for 32 hours continuously.

i m really happy to have a nice friend like u

2:part 2 of the testimonial for a friend who re-brought the talkative me.
shes kind, shes sweet ellam are the compliments already given by people in their testimonials. but i am supposed to say something more. so to say something more, shes impressively talkative not only in IM, LMS (not SMS

she has made me talkative to the extent that i went on to replying her letter in about 30 full pages(i know it is absolutely rude of me to write such a big one considering that she d be as jobless/vetti to read it).
Oh yeah i m proud of being talkative like this. thankyou dear.
besides this she has been secretly, and indirectly a good inspirer to me. she is very frank about what she is, what she thinks, and that is the BEST thing that i admire in her. cont... besides this, a siddharth fan like me, a chocoholic like me, a bugs bunny lover like me.
so on and so forth. oh yeah another common thing, both of us like to use the record book pages for anything and everything but for academic matter to write on

well.. one more important thing.. i am not NOT vetti now. i m amidst a busy thing actually. but i ve taken time to write a testimonial for this adorable girl who speaks so well that i almost got over the procrastinating habit in me. You ll definitely have all the things that u want under and above the sky, LOVE
sheeshhhh... i ve never written anything sooo long for anyone. by reading till here you would have understood that how she has tapped the talkative in me.. way to go gal.. all the best.. luv ya
words cant describe how i felt when i read this today di.. trust me, the feeling is mutual! i keep talking with you all the time and even i wonder how I manage to yap so much when you're around!
love you LOTS amzu! muah! and hey, good luck with all your endeavors! I'll always be there for you, no matter what!
thanx sweety
amru, ellam ok, but testimonialsam koncham over.. any laanjam given for testimonials??
@lk ji
yes lanjam of affection, frnship and love
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