Friday, August 6, 2010

Enge Brahmanan? (where is the brahmin?)

This post has nothing to do with Cho's work "enge brahmanan". but it is a title i give to the things that i witness.
I am a brahmin by birth and by choice. i follow atleast most of the traditions of a brahmin (brahmana dharma).
Times have changed and there is a vast change in lifestyle since the time the brahmana dharma was even written. i agree that and i accept the changes hence made. But i always wonder when a person of any other caste/religion is not ashamed of following it righteously, why is a brahmin running away from his/her traditions?
here are the few things that annoy me to the core:
1.(S)He would not know even few basic words of sanskrit. worse is that they dont even know to speak their mother tongue. they can only speak english or some foreign language.
2. (S)He would not know that the basics of brahminism lies in hygiene. even a student of core science would detest this person.
3. (S)He would not even visit a temple once a year. and they would come up with some useless philosophy of their own to prove themselves right.
4. (S)He would be totally unaware about the method of performing puja.
5. (S)He would find great joy in eating non veg.

Yesterday, i was in a puja in a big gathering where the lady performing the puja did not know some basic ethics of the puja. she did not know when to light the camphor, what to do with a haldi ganapathi idol. worse she didnt know which diety she was actually supposed to offer her prayers to.
then, in the middle of the prayer, when everybody is seriously involved into it, she is busy playing with her kid, and feeding her the naivedyam which is meant to be offered to god. and she offers the remaining to god. useless explanation she is giving me for not knowing to whom she is supposed to worship. after seeing her latter aparadham, i did not even bother telling her the mistake.
If one choses a dharma to live, be it brahmana, or kshatryia, or vysya or sudra, follow the rules properly so that u dont have another blogger talk ill about such people ruining the beauty of the dharma they follow.

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