Monday, June 13, 2011

Thiniking: peut-etre

Life is as pathetic as it can be. Rather I have given it that chance. I was so freaked out, that I felt like a schizophrenic! I felt like throwing away my books and papers in the air and standing on top of the teacher’s table (or that office table) and sing some sleazy line or dance to some weird sound clips in my mind(save yourself… don’t ask me what that was )
But I had no guts to do it (good for me and the others), because there were so many things I am capable of doing to get applause and I gave not pursued it well. To be more honest, as I realized they did not grow with me. But I was such an amateur that I would have got terrified stares or stationery (or JUST anything one could grab hold of) thrown at me.

Following a series of videos, movies, music clips, speeches, articles and what not about following ones passion, here I am writing about the place I find happiness.
I have been following quite a few of them, and the one that made sure I make a blog entry about it was a movie “Julie and Julia”. When I don’t have mom at home, the best thing for me to do is to watch TV. Coz when she is around and finds me watching something English she takes it for granted its porn or something totally inappropriate to me. She will never grow up and come to realization that such things wont be aired on TV, and neither will she understand that I am an adult, nor that non Indian movies actually make sense. So here is what the movie reinforced into me. 
 It’s about talent, skill, hobby, like and love. I have never been consistent in pursuing anything that I took up in life. On estimation, if I had done well everything that I had started, or at least let me say 60% of the things I started, I would have been a prodigy, and found myself popular, successful, but most importantly happy!
It’s about trouver le Bonheur that I m talking about here. If at all there is something I could cling onto that would be there for me when I am in need of support, or just hang on and nothing more.
The answer was a 90% no. the only solace I have in life as of today is the French language. There are so many other things which I have left so far behind that they’ve not grown with me.
Hobbies become talent when they grow with you. You need to give it time and dedication for it to grow. And once it grows, it will be the wall of support.
Considering today is the best day, I ve decided to make a start with giving time and dedication to things that could possibly support me in my life. May be I m selfish, or may be not. But I just don’t want to grow alone. You might not always have your people with you forever. But certain assets would prove to be with you all life, and be with you when you need it whether you know it or not.
So here I begin doing everything I like, and love, the things that deserve to grow along with me.
End result: I m being as crazy I can/want to be in my room. Singing loud, dancing, strumming the guitar, playing the harmonica

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