Monday, August 10, 2009


yes, it is my birthday tomorrow. with the rule i set to myself i should not have come online. but i did to send my niece an e card, as it is her birthday too tomorrow.

something wierd about this birthday is that i realise some new things in me. i ve had one of the best retrospections ever. no celebration since my health was bad and i ought to recover(yes. no cakes either).

here is what is the probable reason: theres a friend of mine whom i look up to. and what i observed it the poise and responsibility. then i tried to include all those good traits that i admired a lot. then slowly i began to realise how much i ve missed in life, and how much more i have to explore in life. (yeah, this is that other spark that i mentioned a few posts earlier)

so i am not expecting lot of mazaa, but i am expecting a lot of adventures this year, and the years ahead. surprisingly, i have not even felt like wanting any gift, since i felt that such possesions cannot mean anything as much as dreams getting true means. (although i d certainly accept gifts given with affection :)

a new year, a new decade, a new horizon of life begins from tomorrow. the game has just started :)

1 comment:

எல் கே said...

as the years goes on and as u get matured u will feel these things