Saturday, September 5, 2009

25 Random things about me

Here goes the 25 random things about me which i wrote for facebook, where i was tagged by nandhini my best friend. (narcissist i know. u have to bear the whole thing)

1.a.I always love to talk talk and talk and talk about myself, and can say that 25 is a very small number :P1.b. This is something that defines me just perfectly, that i am a combination of things. (not to be mistaken as kadavul padhi-mirugam padhi),rather to say a fusion of the best things that make me balanced. Poise is something that i admire in a person.
2. I can be a perfect introvert or an extreme extrovert depending upon the company.
3. I am a voracious thinker. I need to think atleast 3 things at a time. And all the friends who are close to my heart have this habit ("ornithological species of the same plumage congregate together" remember ? :P)
4. I always look out for something good in every person, and hate talking bad about others. And when it comes to secret, I will NEVER reveal secrets, because that is what i expect. (psst, anyone trying to get some gossip from me, dont waste ur time :P)
5. I can detatch myself from just everything mundane and go on the real journey of life at anytime. infact that is my real inner passion.
6.Now, considering the twist n turns life has taken, i ve given up on the idea of celebrating a birthday. although a cake is something for which i dont need a birthday. i dont look at it as though it points that i m getting older, its just a day for retrospection and correction and implementation of new ideas and assignments.
7. I get restless and bored very easily. And i always like experimenting new things. else, i can just enjoy myself in soltitude.
8. Whenever anyone asks me what i d want as a gift, the answer that i d say is " give me a surprise" (i tell this truth only when i m compelled). else i really dont expect anything from anyone.
9. Although i m lazy, and a procrastinator, i am very independent, and dont even expect anything even from my mom. i work hard to achieve what i want. so it is that fire of achievement that drives me to get what i want. eg: guitar, music player, a few classes, canvas boards etc. i ve been working since class 4.
10. Music is my passion. i love listening to music. so do i like singing. but i sing very rare. if u ve heard me sing, u are either ther by some fluke or someone close enough to hear me sing in ur presence.
11. another passion is dance. nothing can stop me from dancing. And grace is something i look forward in every dance i see. be it any form of dance, grace and sync is what makes it perfect.
12. i love travelling. i dont particularly need a company to travel. and i dont need a guide either. i know how to manage myself in alien places. eg: i comfortably went travelling to three countries all by myself. its not just going out of india, even within india, i like to travel, i like visiting villages with grenery of farms to places of concrete forests.
13. i like to greet people with a warm smile. and like to make people happy when they are sad. it is a resolution (the ONLY one rather :P) that hasnt been broken that i d make atleast one person happy a day. Psst.. anyone who actually likes this and want to follow this, heres a starting tip: appreciate the good points of a person without any ego.
14. I have to come online everyday. even if there is no mail or any of my friends online to chat. atleast for a few minutes.
15. There is nothing that i HATE to do. i observe just everything that i see, and learn things from it. hence writing down my activites is going to go for a few pages here which will definitely annoy the reader
16. Whatever u call it, stubborn, adamant, or whatever, what i call it is determined. i am always determined with what i want to do. Unfortunately i am selective most of the times.
17. when i was a little child, i wanted to be a saint and a scientist, not knowing what they meant. considering the great preceptor i have, i am in the right path to achieve both.
18. I forgive people of whatever bad they do to me. but i never forget it. and that creates a vivid space. i bear no specific hatred towards anyone, but there are people towards whom i neither have a bond of friendship nor hatred. Just cut totally.
19. I was short tempered. to the core. i remember breaking a girl's tooth in class 3. and remember kicking people till recent. but after i joined degree, i just found it pointless to express any emotion be it joy, sorrow or anger.
20. i ve developed a love towards silence. i feel wonderful zeal when i stay silent and dont open my mouth the whole day. and i d love to go on like this for weeeks.
21. i love to live every moment the way it comes. nowadays i even enjoy biocehmistry classes even if the lecturer takes great effort to put me to sleep. i am the only girl in my batch in my college who travels by car, and i drive really faaaast. in the middle i thought i should stop that and be like a lady and drive slowly. but it has nothing to do with it. all it means is that i enjoy every moment driving. this point is also explained by the fact that i am a gourmet and i cook my own food to suit my palate. courtesy: dad in class 1 when he got angry coz i used to demand food made perfectly right to suit my palate.
22. i can adapt myself to just any situation.
23. i dont fear death. but i look at it with dignity. i dont crib about any kind of pain i experience. i call it just another part of life and keep going. so is death.
24. i hate lectures. considering how painful it is in the recieving end, i dont go towards the giving end at all.
25. (i cant believe this is the last point and i finished this so soon). i have a few friends who mean life to me. They are assets that i have got after going through lot of pain and struggle in life.

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