Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Yet indeed another post of venting out my frustration etc... here.

Its technically my birthday eve, and i was quite happy till evening. but then i was reminded of a few events that made me totally mad.
Well the madness revolves around a few people and as usual my mother was victimized by my anger.
One such situation happened to another close friend of mine and she was in the same state as i am now. As usual of me, i just listened and changed the topic with the prime reason being that i really dint and still dont know what to do in those situations.
What is the situation? - Jerks! Who else?
There are some jerks revolving around my existence who consider themselves so important in my life that i cannot exist without them (as though i havent till i got to know them. Like i read somewhere and like what that friend said "they think that they define who i am."

its all BS. theres an ultimate core of myself that has an active mind that gives me my own identity and these people do not form any part of that.

Now all certain done, having realized this... what can i/ what did i do?
continued to have this feeling of kicking them hard and burning them in a hell hot oil, or even silly- shouting out loud to the world that i disown them from my life.

can i do either of them? NO i cant. so am i at peace or atleast relatively better? nope not at all.
when i did some research on pain and got some results, i was way to happy to write it down here. But it feels pathetic that there are so many things that one has to get over in life. and i realize that i have barely conquered anything. and all i can do is yawn, and get going and "shut up and listen" to those retards, and move myself out. God Save Me!!!!

1 comment:

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

Forget and forgive :)

Belated B'day wishes.. have a wonderful year ahead