Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We Care And We Can't Help It!

I can certainly say that 90% of the problems in my life are because I care, and 10% because others don't care.
We women find million things to dislike in men in terms of their general nature, but they totally beat us in two things.
1 we care (let the second remain secret for a while now)

I am not yet sure if the caring part in us comes along with the inbuilt maternal instinct or if it just plain feminine, whatever it is, it exists in all of us, and every woman knows she suffers from it.
Things we care can be anything from our hair, our body, how we feel, how we smell, how we look, how we are looked at, how life works, how life doesn't work, and just everything but for "How life can still carelessly go on", and every bit of this can perturb us and we let it do so.

Caring for aspects in life that are of use or no use does not outweigh our characters of dynamism, or organization or just anything else which we blame men to not have, because men still live without all these simply telling "I don't care", and we on the other hand die every day, every possible moment because we care. Some of us die just trying to not care or losing the battle in trying not to care

Every strong, bold, confident, dynamic woman has a core inside that she protects. It is that core that we guard untouched. Sometimes hoping it tears itself apart when we can do nothing to destroy it, or at least not bother it exists. But it so deep within us, that we let it exist covered by immense hope that there would be some day in our life that we cared any less.

I wish I cared less for many things. Today's thoughts have been provoked by a lady who cared for me and told me "If you turn back and look at your life in the future, you will never find yourself perfectly going your way without making mistakes, and it is a natural process of going ahead."

I feel she was indeed right. I hope that these things, when I look back someday might be too insignificant to remember or just a lesson well learnt. But even while positively thinking about this, a part of me hopes that things might change that I would not need to care for the things that I actually care.

I am sure a lot of women associate yourself to this. Some can explain it well, many can't even on shouting out loud. I hope we all get over this someday.
Love and Peace !

Current track : Country roads - I used to sing this song when I was a kid in school. Brings back beautiful memories. 

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