Saturday, March 10, 2012

Invisibly Significant

My mom was watching a show where the interviewer asked the interviewee, "If you had the choice to again see two dead people, who would they be? And why?"

So I thought I would write down two influential people I ve never met as they are no longer alive, why I would want to meet them.

1. My grandmother Vimala Rajamani: In the 40 years of life that she actually lived, she lived well enough to set a splendid example to people and greatly influence me.
2. Werner Erhard: My parents attended his seminar "est", and have been live examples of his influence.  If you liked Ayn Rand, the creator of Atlas Shrugged, you would find this man a creator of a John Galt World.

1. Vimala Rajamani: She was married off to my grandpa at the age of 14, had six children, and died at the age forty due to heart expansion.
But her life in these years were extremely significant, and if I had told anyone I was her grand daughter, they all pitied the fact that I did not meet her, and she did not survive to see a grandchild. And people are generally lost recollecting what an amazing person she was.
Her influence on me: I am fortunate enough to have people who have seen her and tell me stories of her. She was a singer, an artist, a fantastic cook, a doctor in the neighborhood, spiritual, divine, and extremely talented.
The very thought that a woman learnt to do all this by the age of fourteen shook me ! With what all I heard about her, I realized that she had known much more about science than I did by the time I was 19, after going through a formal education in Science. And she did it all without harming nature, which is not seen today. Ever since I decided that I am going to follow her footsteps, my life has seen changes. If life ever gives me the chance to meet her (which is completely hypothetical), I would hug her, and never leave her.

2. Werner Erhard: Not much was spoken to me about him till I attained a certain age. But my parents always said what influence he was to both of them. When I grew up, I was told a few quotes of his for awkward situations I was going through, and it made remarkable difference ! The point was well absorbed at my core without any thinking. His point on the situation was extremely precise, and hit me like a dart. You can never disagree on what he says. I somehow regret that my mom doesn't totally live up to all the lessons she learn't back then, but I really wish I attended his seminar on est.
I was told that he died in a plane crash, and I wished his soul rest in peace.I was totally shocked to learn that he is still alive. I wish he has a peaceful life in solitude now. Some lucky people have already got the essence of what he wanted to spread.

These two people promise to keep letting out necessary secrets at the right time. Hence they are the invisibly significant people of my life.

1 comment:

Nandhini said...

I strongly believe that our grandparents have lead and lived a life much tougher than ours. Despite not being educated in the 'former sense', they knew it all - from cooking to medicine! Grand moms are an epitome of Love and care. It's lovely that you remember and hail your grandma. :)

I'm not entirely knowledgeable about Werner Erhard, but I roughly glanced through an article about him in Wikipedia. He seems like an inspirational person whose footsteps are worth following!

Even though you'd never meet them in real life, may you draw all the inspiration to lead a good life from these two souls! :)