Thursday, December 24, 2009
stories cooking up! :P
The best news of this year, is that i ve written three short stories. it has been my long time desire to write things short and tell the whole thing with all twists and spices. Going to be uploading them in google docs sometime soon.
Friday, October 16, 2009
This came on my orkut home page as today's fortune a few days befre when i was totally upset about a few things that happened in my life.
I felt this line to be perfectly apt since the thoughts of how things turned bad and rose to cause a devastation really haunted me. And i was feeling that i have to go in search of happiness. What i should lose was the memory of things that happened, for i m not technically solely responsible. But cant help things set itself again.
I am happy that i am able to go on with things. This line means a lot. And now that it is stored here, i can happily keep updating my column there :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I am having mid term vacations of almost a whole month and lots of work to do. most of the things out of budget, and some for which i have to reduce my sleep hours to 4 or 5 hours a day.
I will be able to get the other cameras ready for pics only after 22nd. One is ready as of now.
The myna birds have flown away. little eggs have hatched, and they grew up. i have their pics on flickr. although it is nowhere near perfection coz i took in the digicam since the nest was tooo small and built somewhere inside the branches.
Havent yet lost any considerable amount of weight. That also happens to fall in the schedule this time. hoping that a lot of things come out well.
Wont be able to go on the tour that the college will organize. Rather i would refuse that and store it to make it up for a nice trip with either shalini or shruti and suwarna anywhere.
this is almost it.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The connoiseur
2 years of my life i had spent in a place called NARAYANA JUNIOR COLLEGE, which was renamed by the students as NARAYANA CENTRAL JAIL.
let me give u a brief introduction about this place. It is a colleg which is located on the 6th floor of a commercial complex with very bad infrastructure. Sometimes we have feared that the roof might fall on our head. and stinky environment with conjusted classrooms which we hated. something that we hated further was that the classes were from morning to late evening. we d spend almost 12 full hours there with no holidays except sundays. we had just one day off for dasara, diwali and new year (coz it came on sunday). and if we were absent, they would call us home and enquire why we are absent. if the answer isnt genuine, we would be asked to come by the afternoon sessions. Ok this post is not to describe how bad that place was, but to tell that i found a wonderful friend there.
This is how we got to know each other:
I see this girl holding a book in her hand (novel). People who read books impress me although i m not a good reader myself. And i go up to her and ask her name, tell her mine and ask her how the book is. So now we know each other's existence.
Another day i was punished for arriving 5 minutes late to the class. yes i was made to stand in the last for the whole lecture. By then my place had been occupied by some other girl with whom i did not want to fight any further but preferred to move to another peaceful place. And i find that there is place beside Shruti. That whole day we were chatting as though we were there only to socialize. i dont think she ll mind if i mention that she liked my handwriting :P
Yes, here is the best part of conversation of that day
me: where do you stay?
she: ehh.. its a place called marredpally
me: where in marredpally?
she: shenoy nursing home... somewhere near that. (she was not sure if i knew that place. perhaps)
me: where near shenoy?
she: ***** store. (no i dont intend to tell where exactly we stay here in this blog)
me: (eyes really WIDE) you must be kidding coz i stay just adjacent to that store.
she: oh really?
both of us together: how cum i havent seen you before?
that was the first day we met although i dont remember the date well. i remember that she wore a green shirt on the first day of college. but yes there were also a few moments where we met at common places like the canteen (the canteen there was a bench where that fellow would bring curry puff on a tray and a crate of cooldrinks)
I did not see anyone as impressive, as friendly and nice like her in that place. infact she is the one of her kind and is the best. and slowly we got to know so many common things (but for harry potter. i still hate him and havent read even one page of his book. And i shan't. but yes i like dan radcliff :P)
she is a person really close to my heart and has her own unique position there. I owe all the credits to shruti when it comes to reading books. Reading has come into the passions list only after knowing shruti. i still remember the first book that she gave me to read was of O henry.
and i took more than a year to read agatha cristie's book. but now thankfully i dont take all that long to read books.
Another wonderful thing about her that i cannot forget is her lunch. Yes, her mom is a superchef and shruti is a very generous person who eats less than 1/3rd of her lunch and we eat the rest (me and suwarna :P).
There was this day when i wanted to make a cake for my mom's birthday and i forgot to get a dish from home to store the cake in. so she had to come all the way home to help distract mom to get it. this is what shruti and suwarna told my mom "aunty we would like to see the aerial view of the temple from your bedroom"
yes my mom smelled it. and so would any mom. but still i got away with it.
Another instance was when we brainwashed niharika to join violin classes. every free minute we would keep on coaxing her to agree to come to the violin class. at one point of time she got so mad that she stopped us and said" yes yes yes.. the violins is good for health" we both were shocked to hear that from her. poor thing we never troubled her again. but sadly the violin teacher who was just near our house for 9 years shifted to a place far far away that week. so we still dont know ABC of playing a violin practically.
There is this thing that used to happen really often. I wouldnt go to college on some days, and call her up in the evening and ask "what happened" and she would say "o i dint come because...." "wait.. you dint go either?" most of the days we d bunk college and stay at home not knowing that both of us are absent.
Aunty used to put some newspaper cuttings in her lunch box and we would have a wonderful time reading that. once she put a quote ehich was like this
Principal: you have missed school yesterday
student: no. not a bit.
the word student was cut off and replaced with shruti. many such cuttings which was a good stressbuster for us there.
We have had wonderful time in the practicals cutting open the worms and cockroackes, and making ultrasections of monocot/dicot root, stem etc.
there have been many more things that have happened in the English classes which i dont want to mention here now.
And those so many lame jokes that i crack during interactive sessions that we used to organise on our own. (yes i still remember that quantization joke for which she almost strangled me to death). And also those agreements that we d study serriously and land up chatting with the neighbour.
But something that i really loved the most and miss is that we d have fun and yet work as hard as we could in those classes, we had a healthy competition and would work together in solving papers, questions etc. But she always showed me painful assertion reasoning bits which make me get really angry even now if i think of them. but we always managed to do better than the others in the class which i miss a lot now.
So does she. if we were both in the same college, we would have certainly done some awesome project together.
I also remember those days when she used to go home in the middle of the class and tell my mom to go pick me up coz i wanted to go home too. and mom would come and pick me up.
Although we hated our part of life for being a part of that institute, our opinion towards the better degree college doesnt have much of a difference.
She is an awesome friend of mine, and to say the many nice memories that we have wouldnt be enough even if i wrote a whole blog just for her. Shruti you rock! :)
And i decided to put it up here on the blog when i had fun with the retrospection. so here is something that happened in the past that makes me laugh whenever i am reminded of it.
In the social networking site called orkut, i had an account and wrote down a description for myself in the about me section. Sometimes i d find sensible people with really good profiles and wish that i had a better profile than what i had. Believe me i never bothered to check what i had written in the about me section after i wrote it. Then one day, i got a friend request and i went up to that profile to see that the about me was so good. Again this thought that"hey this chap is just like me. i could have used these words in my about me instead coz this is THE thing about me!" then i go on reading it. Yeah it was one long about me. Not REALLY long like the other ones that i ve seen though. Then i read aline which says "although not so typically girly liking to only talk about lipsticks n nail polishes, i like talking about things that make sense".
Oh wait! this is the profile of a guy! where on earth does this thing come in?? then i went and visited my own profile to see that the whole damn thing was copy pasted from my about me :(
without adding him i asked him why on earth did he want to copy paste the thing instead of writing one on his own he says "your way of living is cool. i liked it so much". i perfectly understood that it was another fraanship request and rejcted it.
Now coming to the next part of it, i had bookmarked that profile to show it to Shruti.. and i make it up to meet her once a blue moon day.. and for a really long time that feminine line was still there on his profile.
God bless these wannabes!
P.S: Now i cant write anything more than one line anywhere for anything. i really feel it is a waste of time letting strangers know about me.
The Voices

Saturday, September 5, 2009
25 Random things about me
1.a.I always love to talk talk and talk and talk about myself, and can say that 25 is a very small number :P1.b. This is something that defines me just perfectly, that i am a combination of things. (not to be mistaken as kadavul padhi-mirugam padhi),rather to say a fusion of the best things that make me balanced. Poise is something that i admire in a person.
2. I can be a perfect introvert or an extreme extrovert depending upon the company.
3. I am a voracious thinker. I need to think atleast 3 things at a time. And all the friends who are close to my heart have this habit ("ornithological species of the same plumage congregate together" remember ? :P)
4. I always look out for something good in every person, and hate talking bad about others. And when it comes to secret, I will NEVER reveal secrets, because that is what i expect. (psst, anyone trying to get some gossip from me, dont waste ur time :P)
5. I can detatch myself from just everything mundane and go on the real journey of life at anytime. infact that is my real inner passion.
6.Now, considering the twist n turns life has taken, i ve given up on the idea of celebrating a birthday. although a cake is something for which i dont need a birthday. i dont look at it as though it points that i m getting older, its just a day for retrospection and correction and implementation of new ideas and assignments.
7. I get restless and bored very easily. And i always like experimenting new things. else, i can just enjoy myself in soltitude.
8. Whenever anyone asks me what i d want as a gift, the answer that i d say is " give me a surprise" (i tell this truth only when i m compelled). else i really dont expect anything from anyone.
9. Although i m lazy, and a procrastinator, i am very independent, and dont even expect anything even from my mom. i work hard to achieve what i want. so it is that fire of achievement that drives me to get what i want. eg: guitar, music player, a few classes, canvas boards etc. i ve been working since class 4.
10. Music is my passion. i love listening to music. so do i like singing. but i sing very rare. if u ve heard me sing, u are either ther by some fluke or someone close enough to hear me sing in ur presence.
11. another passion is dance. nothing can stop me from dancing. And grace is something i look forward in every dance i see. be it any form of dance, grace and sync is what makes it perfect.
12. i love travelling. i dont particularly need a company to travel. and i dont need a guide either. i know how to manage myself in alien places. eg: i comfortably went travelling to three countries all by myself. its not just going out of india, even within india, i like to travel, i like visiting villages with grenery of farms to places of concrete forests.
13. i like to greet people with a warm smile. and like to make people happy when they are sad. it is a resolution (the ONLY one rather :P) that hasnt been broken that i d make atleast one person happy a day. Psst.. anyone who actually likes this and want to follow this, heres a starting tip: appreciate the good points of a person without any ego.
14. I have to come online everyday. even if there is no mail or any of my friends online to chat. atleast for a few minutes.
15. There is nothing that i HATE to do. i observe just everything that i see, and learn things from it. hence writing down my activites is going to go for a few pages here which will definitely annoy the reader
16. Whatever u call it, stubborn, adamant, or whatever, what i call it is determined. i am always determined with what i want to do. Unfortunately i am selective most of the times.
17. when i was a little child, i wanted to be a saint and a scientist, not knowing what they meant. considering the great preceptor i have, i am in the right path to achieve both.
18. I forgive people of whatever bad they do to me. but i never forget it. and that creates a vivid space. i bear no specific hatred towards anyone, but there are people towards whom i neither have a bond of friendship nor hatred. Just cut totally.
19. I was short tempered. to the core. i remember breaking a girl's tooth in class 3. and remember kicking people till recent. but after i joined degree, i just found it pointless to express any emotion be it joy, sorrow or anger.
20. i ve developed a love towards silence. i feel wonderful zeal when i stay silent and dont open my mouth the whole day. and i d love to go on like this for weeeks.
21. i love to live every moment the way it comes. nowadays i even enjoy biocehmistry classes even if the lecturer takes great effort to put me to sleep. i am the only girl in my batch in my college who travels by car, and i drive really faaaast. in the middle i thought i should stop that and be like a lady and drive slowly. but it has nothing to do with it. all it means is that i enjoy every moment driving. this point is also explained by the fact that i am a gourmet and i cook my own food to suit my palate. courtesy: dad in class 1 when he got angry coz i used to demand food made perfectly right to suit my palate.
22. i can adapt myself to just any situation.
23. i dont fear death. but i look at it with dignity. i dont crib about any kind of pain i experience. i call it just another part of life and keep going. so is death.
24. i hate lectures. considering how painful it is in the recieving end, i dont go towards the giving end at all.
25. (i cant believe this is the last point and i finished this so soon). i have a few friends who mean life to me. They are assets that i have got after going through lot of pain and struggle in life.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I don't know who wrote this, but is definitly worth reading.. It must be Shobha De, or may be some other women activist... ha ha..
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuitionor spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourselvesfor a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationshipends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no,you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid menwho've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them whenhe got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within.Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is two waystreet. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cuteabout baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationshipYou should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turnout to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man. Don't fully commit toa man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others. Share this with other ladies..... You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepare. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.
Monday, August 17, 2009
here is what it is- 1 it is a nice way of compelling people to socialize. i ve already added 7 new friends just to grow the farm well.
2 it is a perfect time sucker. i come online every few hours to check out if it time to harvest the crop, and wait looking at it till it grows where i parallely adopt animals, share wealth from ribbons that my friends got and doing some random crap in that application to waste time.
this is the bad effect of it: today morning my mom asked me to get some chillies from the garden and i was thinking "chillies? i ve not reached that level yet. i have to do lots to unlock it" and then later i realised she actually asked me to pluck the chilly from the garden. so i m wasting time here doing this instead of plucking flowers or veggies from the real garden. this is not the case with just me. many other people are addicted to it. god bless all of us!
Monday, August 10, 2009
yes, it is my birthday tomorrow. with the rule i set to myself i should not have come online. but i did to send my niece an e card, as it is her birthday too tomorrow.
something wierd about this birthday is that i realise some new things in me. i ve had one of the best retrospections ever. no celebration since my health was bad and i ought to recover(yes. no cakes either).
here is what is the probable reason: theres a friend of mine whom i look up to. and what i observed it the poise and responsibility. then i tried to include all those good traits that i admired a lot. then slowly i began to realise how much i ve missed in life, and how much more i have to explore in life. (yeah, this is that other spark that i mentioned a few posts earlier)
so i am not expecting lot of mazaa, but i am expecting a lot of adventures this year, and the years ahead. surprisingly, i have not even felt like wanting any gift, since i felt that such possesions cannot mean anything as much as dreams getting true means. (although i d certainly accept gifts given with affection :)
a new year, a new decade, a new horizon of life begins from tomorrow. the game has just started :)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
trouble maker
so here goes my story from day one:
when i was a kid, i never ate my food at all. so here is what my dad did: turned the house into a zoo so that i watch all the animals eat and realise that the social animal-the human also has to eat to survive. we had a cage of birds, dogs, turtles, 20 fish tanks (its not an exageration. my house did have all this. besides i knew very well to handle them when dad was away on work, although i was not given the worms to feed them, i also knew how to feed the fish well. by that age, i could name all the fishes.)
heres what mom did: since i never ate, i used to get hospitalized about once a week or once in two weeks. she would take me out for a drive for them to inject the butterfly for the saline. by that time they would have given me a sedative and i would fall asleep in the drive. (i really pity my mom because the worst hit out of my starvation has been my mom)
once, in the time to take me out on a drive, she took me to my aunt.s house. i ran to the table and said "I AM HUNGRY" and hogged. my poor mom was standing by the door and asked my aunt to keep quietand serve me food without asking any questions. after devouring, i fell asleep (sedative remember?) and then she narrated why i was brought to her house. later she had to request the hospital to discharge me because i had my food.
there is a good old friend of my parents Mr. shashidhar reddy. he could not bear seeing the way my parents struggle to feed me a meal a day. so he gave me a bar of chocolate and told them that the necessary calories will be provided by the chocolate. so wherever my parents go, they used to buy me bags of chocolates.(although i did suffer the after effects of hogging chocolates). i remember that whenever they want to do some serious shopping, they would first go but a packet of chocolates, give it to me, make me sit in a corner and go shopping. i d happily finish it by the time they are done with theirs. And greater problem they had in this chocolate thing was that i never compromised with indian chocolates (yeah those days the maximum was crackle that was tasty.) so they have to arrange for chocolates from other countries.
speaking of food from other countries, i m reminded how i could not digest indian food as an infant. so my dad had to buy some baby food from singapore, and to cook that, a microwave is needed, so my parents were the first to buy a microwave in the family.
then now coming back to when i was a kid, grown up enough to properly trouble them. my dad could not bear it anymore. he bought a syringe and would have it beside me and threaten me that he would inject me if i dint eat my food. yet, i d trouble them all possible ways, and it would invariably poke my mom. ( i still stick to what i said that i pity my mom as she was the major victim). my mother was all the more hurt, because all the cousins used to have that free space with her to have their food, but i never ate food. dad used to get the best of almonds from the world and make badam kheer, and push it into my mouth, and the next minute i would puke it out.
the trend has not changed even today. my mom packs lunch everyday (almost). and i never eat it, and return the box after a few days with fungus on the food i ve never touched (this has happened about times). so she got annoyed and would not make lunch for me anymore. so i used to eat a small morcel in the morning, and no lunch, then a small grun when i actually feel that i should not be further lazy and eat my dinner somewhere around 9 or 10 at night. this has been happening for a really long time. and now when i was hospitalised, i was diagonised as acute gastritis and i was given 3 injections a day intravenous as treatment.
i end this post with a hope that i dont further ruin my health nor trouble my mom any further.
well, i m blogging again. this is what happened when the freshers came in. a new batch, and i dont know anyone from my group. apparently there are only 35 students in the entire life science where we are 35-40 in each group of life science. God save life science!
the only fresher i know is manasa my neighbour and my junior in school. We meet in the assembly and she introduces me to her friends very happily- "hey this is Amritha our senior. i ve told u na, she sings very well". poor girl my reaction to that before she properly completed that sentence was: "what?! me? sing? when? oh yes! i used to sing! man i forgot that. hey u know what i did sing once upon a time. thanks for reminding me." Now whats the mistake? i dint realise i reacted to this right in front of her friends. i m really sorry for embarassing her like that. but that did help. it put me into another retrospection of how i changed a lot in life. so here are a few things that i ve actually forgotten.
1 singing
2 sketching
3playing the veena (yes i thought i m that old amritha who knew to play it well and i screwed up in the stage in front of 100s of folks, and i wont forgive myself for that. now the college might not let me play any instrument without an audtion for sure).
4enjoy life well (this actually summarizes most of the things)
5that i knew very well to manaage an aquarium (yeah when i was less than 5 years, i could name all the fishes in the aquarium. how this happened i shall tell in the next post.)
6that i am actually capable of cycling continuously 12 kms crossing two flyovers. (i ve done this to surprise my relatives, who stay almost in the city outskirts :P)
7 poem writing skills ( i would have easily written about 50 poems in the time between class 6 to class 8. after a series of demoralising and demotivation, i stopped it in class 8, and threw away the collection. i think i rather destroyed it.)
8 i dont further remember what i knew
so seeing all that i ve missed out in life, and considering that i m not old enough to retire from living a good life that i am actually capable of, i ve decided to go for a makeover.
now, my idea of a makeover is not just change in looks. although change in looks is also going to take place, and i have no idea how successful i am going to be in this particular region.
it takes a spark for people to realise things, and this time i m glad mani induced that in me, although there has been some other person who brought about some other spark, that i m doing different things (its a big story, shall tell in the coming posts), now it is high time i live up to what i m born for.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The First Steps In The New Journey
A lonely road with tall green trees,
“Your life, its you all alone and trust thyself”
Thinking that these roads will have those treesGuiding me through my destiny,
I begin my journey on joyous note.
But as I see the road,
I see it transform into a mighty maze,
And show me stars putting me on a haze
It is the time I realize I m no longer a child
But thrown into a world so wide and wild
With priorities changing every hour
Some sweet, and most so sour.
With pain and sorrow as I find myself grope,
I grow to realize I’ve forgotten the lessons of hope.
With all that hope I enter the roadPutting my steps with precautions at every mode.
Then I shall see that dayWhere this road will be far away,
And I step into a new platformTo see this world in a better way
Thursday, May 21, 2009
And the best is that this time i am not going alone, but going with my mom. I am glad to an extent that my mobile is not working(wish even mom's incoming would not work). I am yet to pack and get ready, so typical of me that i pack perfectly when i do it late. :P
Poker Again
After a session of poker with Sound, there were a few technical things that i needed to know.. including some strategies of the game.
Being sick and down with sunstroke, i was up all night and am nocturnal now. So that day, Yogaesh was online and he told me the WHOLE thing and at the end i was left with a saying
"telisae varaku brahma vidya, telisinaaka kothi vidhya" (till u know about it, it is something complicated as creation, once u know it, it is as silly as a monkey's play)
And after that, i have not played poker because of the sunstroke, and now because i am going on a vacation
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
As per our decision, we should winn over 100 K chips soon
The first time, Sridhar came in and played with me. we were having gtalk on. So i could ask him my doubts and get them clarified(?!). Anyways, i did not understand the game. when i was trying to figure out what to do, i clicked on some button and it was my turn by then. All the chips went in for bidding. "All in? Are u crazy?" "What? what happened?" not realising what happened, at that moment, i went to check out how the game is played. Yes, i went there again inspite of not understanding it reading the first time. This has been the firrst game for which i had to go back to the instructions. most of the games, i directly start playing and very few i read the instructions before going in. ohk. so i went back to the instructions in the middle of the game. then, he says wow!. not knowing why i go there back to the table to figure out what happened. i saw that there were more chips than what i had before starting the game because i won. That game, i did not even look into my cards. This game was somewhere at 10 or 11 at night, when i was interested in knowing what is so interesting in the game that so many people are crazy.
Then, sridhar went away saying that it was the table with serious players, and as a rookie, i should not have gone there first. 9K chips is what i won. Sheer fluke!
then, i played about twice there. i won and lost. still could not figure out the game. Then, once i again won in fluke. i went back to sridhar and said " ive won 10 K chips. but i dont understand the game yet." sridhar: " i ve won 100K chips and i dont understand it either" (EKSI)
Then yesterday, when mom was busy doing some work, i happened to switch on the TV (something so rare), and started seeing friends. it was an episode where the girls figure out on how to play poker. Mom was so busy that i could not have the volume loud enough to listen the dialogues. but still i could figure out that the girls went trhough a struggle to "apparently" win the game. WHY is it that poker is not all that easy for women or girls?Some curse that i dont get to listen or read the instructions properly at all. (GRRRR)
Then, today, i pinged a friend of mine(soundarya) who has earned 26K chips. She has almost the same problem as i have. So she searched out a really old chat conversation of a friend who tried to teach her. Well, i am now done with reading that and have understood that. Only hoping that girl power wins over poker too.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Baba ka Updesh
I pinged my baba,(click here to see his pic) to ask him how to help my self in this sever fever. He gave me a solution (no not a potion wala solution. But some idea to solve this problem).
When i thanked him, he said this :
"One day a man having conversation with god when his whole life flashed before his eyes as a series of footsteps on the sands of time. He saw that there were two pairs of footprints, but during the most difficult periods of his life there were only one set of footprints. He asked god "You said you will be with me throughout this journey, but why have you deserted me during the most critical times of my life??" To which god answered "Son, I did not desert you, I was always with see only one set of footprints because during those difficult times in your life, I was carrying you"
not understanding the appearance of the story here, i asked him again and again why he told me that story
"u need not understand
when things flash in front of ur eye u will understand"
in a few milliseconds, i began thinking of some things that i had abandoned because of falling ill out of doing all of them exceeding my elastic limit. Then he again quoted a line to remind me why and how i fell ill
baba:Another day I was having a similar conversation with my Project Manager (PM) when my whole project flashed before my eyes as a series of footsteps on the sands of time. I saw that there were two pairs of footprints, but during the most difficult times in the project there were only one set of footprints. I asked my PM, "You said you will be with me throughout the project, but why have you deserted me during the most critical times of the project??" to which my PM answered, "Son, I did not desert you, I was always with you... you see only one set of footprints because during those difficult times I was "sitting on your head!!!"
WHO is the project manager will be a secret to the readers. But I have understood who that person is...
Baba ki jai :P
Thursday, April 30, 2009
This grooming took its own sweet time to show results. But deep within I knew that her intentions were only to see me doing well in just anything I take up. It has taken me almost the entire teenage to realize this. There are many people who don’t want their teenage to cease. But I accept changes in life gladly, and am ready for what life has in store for me.
Going on retrospections is a usual habit of mine. I go back and see what I have learnt, what I still have to learn, what I have to change, and many things. Many times I end the session feeling low about the instances I chose to retrospect. But this one has been a pleasure with all the things I have achieved out of being the daughter of Mrs. Sowmya Chandramouli.
I mark my presence as a smart one in the group, and always have a special place in the heart of the parents of all my friends. Courtesy: politeness and good manners shown to them
As a friend, I am liked by many people. As for the people who don’t like me, I don’t care. I don’t take the effort to return the hatred back. But I cherish the love and bondage of friendship that I have with all my friends. And the ones I call friends are genuine people whom I can depend on, and I would love to be with them during their good and bad times and give them my love (there is no return here. It is unconditional love from me). One aspect I find that friends like about me is that I don’t talk about issues of other people in gossip sessions. I value the secret of my friends’ more than my own. Courtesy: love the ones whom you love, also love the ones who hate you. 2 expect things that you are sure you can give them.
There have been many times when I felt life dumps me. When I ve been snatched of opportunities and lose all hopes to survive and carry on. There have been many talents that people dint want to recognize in me. (chauvinists to put in short) I fought out all that and today, in many places, she is known as Amritha’s mother. Perhaps this is a return, rather a token of love for her support all the times. Courtesy: a fighting spree initiated by her in me
There are a million things that I should actually key down here. But there are these few things that can actually fit in my page here. Today, when I see myself, I don’t feel like a loser as I used to feel many times. I have won in many places. The love my mother has towards me can be said in this story here. She told me this story as what type of a mother she wanted to be and her attempts to see that I am successful and happy all through mylife.
An eagle mother always lays her eggs on high cliffs at the very edge. When the egg hatches, the chick falls down with an inertia and in an attempt to save itself it starts flying before it comes really down to touch the earth. Hence the eagle always lives high up in the sky. All the times where I felt hard to manage were only the times where I struggled to flap the wings of survival, in due course, I am flying up the skies, seeing new dimensions of life. But this mother stood by me to see me flap my wings well and fly off. It is not time for mother’s day now, or the day where my teenage is going to end. But it is the day when I realize that amma has been an eagle mother to see me fly high.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
an atmosphere that can heal
we went in, and saw the doc. well my mom did the talking for herself, I was rather looking at the walls, and the ambience and the decor of his room, his chair and his workspace.
it was a LARGE table with a PC, and a wireless mouse, clean table with few papers, and the walls well painted and royally bearing all his certificates; An air conditioner just behind him, a white bard to explain his patients about their problem with diagram of the anatomy.
when I was done with watching all this within a span of few seconds, I realised that he already finished his job effectively with his patient. Before he ended, he did the needful, typed what was needed, and printed it himself.
by then I was reluctant to leave the workspace which was so very wellmade. But the atmosphere of the clinic did its good even to me. I have been having hectic schedules over the week, and havent been able to my own work well, and was in fatigue till I went there. once I came out, I got fresh, and got charged with all the zeal to do million things under the sky.
this place is so very inspiring. after we came out, i observed that the doctor's residence was adjacent. it was big bungalow with a portigo and a few luxury cars. that atmosphere with a humble service to the patients surely did pay back.
when i start working, i am going to make sure that my workplace is appealing for people to work.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
the movie was good, specially for a desi girl like me. i always believe that my tradition and culture is the best for me. whenever it comes about following something non indian in india(mind you non indian IN india), i really dislike it. but when i am out of country, i am a Roman in Rome.
whenever i think of how we indians have deviated and drifted ourselves from a healthy, sporty, adventurous and interesting cluture, i try my best to look out for sarcastic things to say for people to realise that their culture is best for them.
for example, indian culture speaks of having a solid breakfast everyday, and a normal lunch, and a dinner before dusk. so indians were always healthy and fit. but with a lot of deviation etc etc, peple have changed their lifestyle in the name of sophistication and civilization.
and today, with the countries wasting money on "RE search", searching things that are already there and that theyve purposely lost, they "discover" that their original, classic culture tought poeple the right thing, specifically indians.
people on the name of sophistication dont eat proper food in the morning and eat this chiwda doodh(corn flakes in milk), where generally the chiwda is a junk snack eaten in small quantity just to keep the mouth entertained. people who eat it in the morning, barely get any good out of their "food", and before they retire, their system retires, all sorts of diseases are in them. but if we see the old people of the previous generations, we find them healthier than our friends(yes, healthier than the generation N).
so if you are an indian, and find an indian in india behaving silly, catch such sarcastic bits and throw it at them.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
rudra or roudram is actually an intense form of anger. People express anger in different ways, expressing anger in the form of dance is the rudratandav of lord shiva.
Dakshayini the daughter of Daksha married shiva against her father's will. To teach both of them a lesson, Daksha organizes the magnum opus Daksha yagnyam by inviting the whole world sans this couple. When Dakshayini, a form of parvathi/ sati realizes this, she goes to her father questioning as to why he had done this injustice to her. she goes dancing in immense anger of being humiliated by her own parents. When she reaches there, she is again humiliated for arriving at a place where she was not invited. She is shown the door. Unable to bear the insult, she jumps into the fire.
Shiva knew this conspiracy of his father-in-law. But he could not further convince her. When he saw Dakshayini jumping into the fire, he arrives dancing in fierce rage of anger, kills Daksha and dances by the corpse of his beloved.
This was the theme I selected to dance in my college. It worked out amazingly well. I could not cover the whole of the continued story, in that short time; i could not show what happens to dakshayini.
Mahavishnu, chops her body into pieces and throws them in different places in India(ver.1.0) (which is practically impossible for me to undergo this on stage)
ver.2.0: shiva dances in extreme rage that he carries her and dances, where parts of her body fall in different parts of India.
Ver.3.0: (which I could actually imply in my nritya nataka) dakshayini a.k.a sati is a formless version of the goddess herself. So she rises and re unites with shiva.
Although, i could also fit in the story of neelakant- another episode in the Lord's life in the given time before the rudratandav. I presented this as a tribute to the Lord dancing two episodes of his life. From then on, i am known as Parvathi in my college.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Where is HE :P
after we made a big success of it in the yuvamahotsav, we were made to do it again.
so i changed the steps a little bit, so that it does not look like a full repeat.
i had to cut short it because of the time given was lesser. we were made to dance this time amidst and elite crowd. i added a few more steps between me and samyuktha, and refined it even more. the same story was said in a little different manner.
to attend the function, my mother was given an invitation. so i called shruti over to share that happy moment of my life in college. shalini could not make it because of her internals.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
3 oz cream.
2 oz unsweetened chocolate
1 oz powdered sugar
1 tsp coffee concoction
Take one part out of the three parts in a pan, and heat it in low flame.
Whip the other two parts till it reaches soft peaks
Finely chop the chocolates and add in the powdered sugar and coffee.
Now add the hot cream on it and fold it.
Now add the whipped cream on it and fold it further.
Cool, serve/ eat
note: this is a french dessert. It is traditionally served in this type of cup.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
i got to know her in intermediate. In due course of interaction we realised that we were neighbours. It was like the age old comedy. but it was real that we both were neighbours.
The first conversation i had with her was asking ehr opinion about the book she was reading. she was reading three men in a boat. i love making
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Ending or a New Beginning?
In a strange way, suddenly the thought of doing a group dance performance came in my mind. I was among the first few people to know what the theme for group dance was. I was also among them who first cribbed about it. But then I gave up because I was sure I would not be doing it. But still I want to do it and let the people in my class come upon to the stage. I had set a few rules to the dance for it to be friendly to all the shy or orthodox girls of our class. First was that there would be no boys in our team, second that the costumes would be comfortable and well covered, third was actually my motive “I would not mind if you stopped in the middle in the stage. But what I want is that you people should come up” for this extreme struggle, I could get only 2 new girls from the class, 2 others were my friends who wanted to go in for it because they were sure about me. Against all odds, I pooled in 3 more girls. This seed of thought came into my head on the 23rd of December, where our performance was scheduled on 31st December. Group dance is a grand show in our college always, and just practically 6 days was not at all sufficient to give a decent performance. I had vague ideas on 23rd.
I came home and sat online browsing the net for the festivals that I had in mind (I had navrathri and shivrathri in my mind). When I also browsed through you tube, I found inspiring videos for shivratri. So I decided that I WILL do shivratri. I had learnt formal kuchipudi dance when I was about 3 years old. My education had been intermittent. But the basics of classical dance were well embedded in the early stages of my life. All that the college friends knew about me was that I dance well in the DJ session after every function in college.
When I went up to my group members with my idea (this was on the 24th), they all said a straight away NO for the extremely tough steps involved. For the song that I had managed to find online to download, I could make it a fusion tandav. I told it to them again, and again, and then they agreed. I was keen that it should be a top secret. One girl could not come for practice until Sunday because of Christmas (kalpana). All of us were responsible girls at home, we had many things to attend which took its priority over this, but my determination that dint seem like arrogance to them is what made it possible.
On 24th, I put forward the idea clearly. We had only about 30 minutes to spare on the 24th. I asked them to practice the basic half sitting and sitting postures of the classical dance. If one knew this, dance is easy. We dispersed and I asked everyone to come to my place on Christmas for practice. This day was the last day for registration, and till 23rd there were only 9 entries. By 24th there were lots more. With people dropping out and some others joining in, I went and made some amendments on 26th in the final list while making a fair list myself.
On 25th, there were 4 of us out of the 8 membered team, and two dint even know the theme. One of them was shiva the main character. On 25th, I choreographed the first 2 minutes of the song, and one full episode (neelakant episode). I almost did the second episode too. But we could not do much that day. Jyothi and supriya were new to dance. And they made up for it by vigorously practicing. I had designed the costume and organized the steps well by this day.
On 26th we had only an hour to practice in college, we had to go to koti(a place in hyderabad) to rent costumes. Kalpana attended the practice session, so did samyuktha(sam) who did the role of shiva. To my surprise sam was happy about her role. I also asked her hesitantly if she could do somersaults on stage. She was elated by now. She was perfectly fine with it. We went to Baburao, and got the dresses after a long time. It was tough for me to explain what was in my mind. Rupa did that job better than me and got our costume. It was about 10 -10.30 when we reached home. (I have never been out of home this late). On 27th, Saturday, we practiced for an hour at my place then assembled at my place again on 28th (Sunday) kalpana and rupa came late due to their commitments at home. We finished almost the whole thing perfectly. By then I had added tough steps and I gave them training to balance on one leg (its an art that one can learn easily. But needs a knack) .On 29th, we bunked the first three hours of class and practiced ashlesha joined in. she picked up the steps. But rajnigandha did not. Then we dispersed during lunch because the college did not allow any team to practice inside the classrooms. We then went to rupa’s house. All 7 of us perfectly finished our dance. In 15 minutes sam and I did our rudratandav that followed the daksha yagna episode. On 30th, we could not practice. We had our own competitions. We decided to practice on 31st morning. We all went to my place and were to disperse to get our costumes. By then I had fallen flat on the sofa, almost fainted. I was too exhausted. So the others went to get the costumes. I went with jyothi to get the soundtrack mixed and put in a disc. The ones who went to get the costumes reached home around 12.
On 31st, I went to rupa’s house not bothering about my health. Then, we took the costumes and went to college. By then I was called upon stage for the veena competition that I had totally forgotten. It has actually been a very long since I played it. I went to the stage, messed it up, and ran to the room to get dressed. By then we called up rajnigandha to find out where she was and when she would turn up. She ditched us with a lame excuse. She did not respond to our call when we retried. Another girl who came in to wish us luck, was dragged in. we asked her, and she agreed. She learnt her steps fully in one hour. We did not have a one full rehearsal till we finished our make up. Then we did our rehearsal in the small room. We went up the stage and rocked. Lot of people got goosefleshes and vibrations on seeing our dance. The whole college was in appreciation for our dance. My mother who saw this was almost in tears. Lecturers came up to us to personally give us the compliments. Wherever I went, I heard compliments on our dance. The next working day, all of them told me that they were unable to sit comfortably on a chair due to excess strain on their thighs with highly complicated steps.
My mother is now serious that I get back to dance and not let the talent rust.
A short summary of compliments:
1 inspiration to perform shivtandav as a concept- shri Parimal Phadke(his video gave me a good inspiration) (i shall add the link to his website when i get permission from him)
2 getting my ideas of costumes to reality- Rupa
3 a supporting hand at the time of need- prasanna
4 absoulte co operation and deication- jyothi, supriya, rupa, kalpana, samyuktha, ashlesha, prasanna, amritha
5 Make up- rupa and sowmya (mom)
6 (kicking the I back) concept, choreography, costumes- Amritha
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
French Cuisine of yuvamahotsav 2008
There were about 30 events this year. I had participated in quite a few. But I got a good deal of appreciation for the French cuisine and group dance. I was to make a really yummy dish for the French cuisine, something that one cant actually imagine (this is absolutely unique of me) that dish got unduly cancelled at the last moment. So I went to my friendwith this problem. He searched me a nice link for the competition which was advanced by a day. I then also rushed to madhushree iyer, a girl who knew better French than me to translate it. At about 8.30 in the night, I went out, bought the ingredients, and made the chocolate mousse by 10 pm. Fortunately I had the cup in which traditional French desserts are served. Indians will look down at it calling it the irani hotel chai cup.
Fortunately it turned out well in the morning when I woke up.
In the competition when I was allotted my table, I realized that I did not bring any table cloth or anything. My partner rupa had come by then making a fair copy of the recipe. She then took out a small bandhni red colored hanky that she brought to wipe out mehendi, and laid it on the table. I was so very scared how I would manage my way through. Because I dint have a proper look at the French version of the recipe. There were people who had their dish garnished so pretty. But mine didn’t ask for more garnish (strawberry, chocolate, custard, what not). The main part is that one table before me, and one table after me had made chocolate mousse. I stood there with absolutely no expectations. By the time the judge was two tables away, I observed that the participants were doing their explanation in English. And Lo! This is my day! I was happy and sure that I can do well. The previous participant had claimed it to be a vegetarian chocolate mousse (so was mine). Then they said they added gelatin, which is not vegetarian (point was noted). Then the judges came to my table. I told them about my dish, by the time they were at my table, I heard one of the judges say that she makes chocolate mousse often. I explained the way I made it. I also told them about me adding a flavor of coffee in it to give it my characteristic professional touch. The judges were highly calorie conscious. They had limited servings at each table. When the judge took his spoon, I gave him the calorific value that took him back. He took a smaller serving. Once he had it, he took a bigger second serve. So did the other judge.
Then once the judgment was done, my friends came over to taste it. Everyone liked it. One of them wanted it every weekend! :P
And when me and my partner were walking away to the other competitions, our friends, who were the volunteers, secretly told us that we won. And we did!
All the while i also had the support of another friend Animish Raje. Thanks Krishnan, Animish, Madhushree, and Rupa